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Diverse Learning Environments


The infant classroom is designed to be an inclusive environment for children six weeks old to 12 months. We focus on teacher-child interaction through stimulating activities and exploration. Older infants are able to crawl, use sensory toys, develop large motor skills and take their first steps with the guidance of our loving teachers. 


The one's and two year olds are separated by age. They have a slightly more structured routine in which they have music, art, manipulative blocks, language and sensory centers through out the day. Toddlers have 30 minutes of outside play in the mornings and afternoon. All meals are in a family setting which encourages social skills and helps toddlers learn how to eat using utensils and cups. 

3 year olds

Three year olds in our program are exposed to letters and  numbers in a more formal setting. They participate in circle time on a daily basis in which they learn how to actively listen to others, and share their thoughts and feelings. Centers in this classroom include; math, science, dramatic play, art, language and building blocks.

4 & 5 year olds

Our amazing teachers help their students get ready for preschool and kindergarden. A higher emphasis is placed in structured activities that teach children how to count, learn their alphabet, write their name and express themselves using their language skills. Children also learn important social skills that get them ready for the transition to kindergarden.  

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